about us

Buggy Bank is a professionally run environment for private individuals to sell their own cars and trucks to eachother. Our staff is made up of administrative, customer service and sales advisory personel. We are not the "sellers", but we advise our private party owners with the factors that can influence the ability of their vehicle to sell.

Buggy Bank is a limited liability company regulated by the State of California Vehicle Code # 12101-12104 and operates strictly as a "Private Party Vehicle Markets" display service. All sales records are published as a public record and sold vehicles are available for review inside our office and here on our website.

Buggy Bank LLC is NOT A DEALERSHIP. Our service is unique in that we do not own an inventory of our own vehicles nor do we employ sales people to directly represent the displayed private party vehicles. Furthermore, outside "sales people" selling for profit are not allowed to operate here or to contact or solicit our customers. When alerted we intervene on behalf of our customers to insist upon fair and reasonable negotiation practices.

Ironically cars sell quicker because there are no sales people to get in the way of buyers making up their own minds without the distractions. This is not a parking lot. Vehicles in obvious poor condition or too high priced to sell are not allowed here. We will allow it if they are willing to repair it and price it to sell.

We educate and assist private individual sellers with statistical data and with considerations affecting the presentation and promotion of their vehicle initially and throughout the contract period.

We monitor and control seller approved local neighborhood test drives and on-lot inspections for qualified and insured potential buyers (see step #4 of our buyers page). Vehicles are assessed and local private party market values are estimated upon intake. Values are usually a few thousand dollars less than dealership vehicles.

We are not advertised in the yellow pages or in any periodicals or newspapers. Buggy Bank has traditionally been a "word-of-mouth" business with no formal advertising other than the web listings for buyer's, recently sold vehicles and explanations of our services.

Buggy Bank offers a much different experience from that of the typical used car lot. It has a family open-air marketplace atmosphere. We consider ourselves to be a "privately owned public service" that serves the community and helps to reduce the number of cars for sale cluttering up our community streets.

We enjoy and take pride in providing the full service, the sales and marketing advice, the atmosphere, and the meeting place that people now highly recommend as one of the best and most refreshing alternatives for buying and selling used cars. We concentrate on maintaining this high reputation by encouraging open and honest business practices and transactions between buyers and sellers.

© Buggy Bank 2024
(415) 374-4848